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  大卫·贝克汉姆(David Beckham),1975年5月2日出生于英国伦敦雷顿斯通,前英国职业足球运动员,司职中场 。







  1988年,在查尔顿主办的足球学校中脱颖而出,被评为该校最有发展前途的学生 。


  1993年1月22日,正式成为职业足球运动员。1994年11月7日,在冠军杯对阵土耳其加拉塔萨雷的比赛中,小贝终于攻进了自己在曼联一队的第一个进球。1995年,在租借到普雷斯顿的第一场比赛,小贝就用任意球攻进一球。在回到曼联队之后,小贝有了自己在曼联的第一个稳定号码,24号 。

  1995年4月2日,首次代表曼彻斯特联队上场参赛,对手是利兹联队,当时球衣号码19号(后来多数时候身披7号球衣)。8月19日,在曼联对阵阿斯顿维拉的比赛中,他以一记远射,攻入了自己为曼联攻入的第一个英超进球 。


  1997年,他夺得联赛冠军、英超年度最佳新人和马特·巴斯比奖 。





  2001年2月在对西班牙队的比赛时,国家队新任主教练斯文.戈兰。埃里克森重新任命小贝为国家队队长。英格兰队以3:0赢得这场比赛。4月15日,曼联队提前5轮获得了2000-2001赛季英格兰超级联赛冠军,实现了3连冠;曼联队在最近的9年中7度封王。7月,成为《封面》杂志的首位运动员封面人物。他还获得了2001-2002赛季西部联盟最有价值球员。9月,以小贝为队长的英格兰队在世界杯预选赛中,在慕尼黑以5:1客场大胜德国队。10月在世界杯预选赛对希腊队比赛的伤停补时阶段,凭借一个任意球破门挽救了球队,帮助英格兰队与对手2:2战平,并取得了参加世界杯决赛阶段比赛的资格。他还在10月当选为BBC体育年度个人奖。这一年,他获得年度英国最佳运动员、世界足球先生提名(票数第二)和欧洲足球先生提名(票数第四),并入选欧洲足联年度最佳阵容 。

  2002年4月在冠军联赛1\4决赛对拉科鲁尼亚队的比赛中,他被阿根廷球员杜舍尔踢伤,导致左脚第二根趾骨骨折,险些无法参加世界杯赛。后又在一次车祸中幸免于难。5月9日,受到英国首相布莱尔的接见。5月10日,受到英国女王的接见。5月在联赛赛季的最后一天,与曼联俱乐部续签了直到2005年6月的合同。6月,成为《玛利·克莱尔》杂志的首位单独男性封面人物。6月腿伤及时康复,随国家队参加了世界杯赛,并在小组赛对阿根廷队的比赛中打入一个点球,帮助英格兰队1:0战胜了1998前曾害得自己吃红牌的对手。在1\4决赛中,英格兰队负于巴西队 。

  2003年2月在足总杯第五轮曼联队被阿森纳队淘汰后,在休息室中被主教练阿莱克斯弗格森踢飞的鞋击伤脸部。4月在联赛对阿森纳队的关键比赛以及冠军联赛对皇家马德里队的1\4决赛中,沦为了替补队员。在对皇马的第二回合比赛进行到第64分钟时替补上场,随后两度进球,帮助曼联队4:3取胜,但球队还是以5:6的总比分遭淘汰。5月21日,受到纳尔逊·曼德拉的接见。5月在德班与南非队的友谊赛中手骨受伤,预计要打石膏六到八星期。英格兰队在那场比赛中以2:1取胜。6月10日曼联透露,已经与正在竞选巴塞罗那俱乐部主席的霍安。拉波塔进行过会谈。6月14日被英国女王伊丽莎白授予OBE(Officer of the Order of the British Empire)奖。6月17日曼联俱乐部宣布,贝克汉姆以3500万欧元的价格转到皇家马德里队。7月1日,加盟西甲皇家马德里队。7月,随皇马来亚洲(包括中国)做宣传及赛前训练。8月28日凌晨3:45(西班牙当地时间21:45),在西班牙超级杯第二回合的角逐中,凭借劳尔、罗纳尔多和贝克汉姆的入球,皇马主场3比0完胜马洛卡,以4:2的总比分勇夺超级杯。他在这一年还入选欧洲足联年度最佳阵容 。

  2004年6月,以队长身份带领英格兰出征欧洲杯,进入八强 。



  2007年1月,小贝决定不再续约皇马,宣布自己将在赛季结束后加盟美国大联盟。1月16日,皇马主帅卡佩罗随即对小贝下达“封杀令”:贝克汉姆今后只能随队训练,不会代表皇马参加任何比赛。2月11日3时,2006-2007赛季西班牙足球甲级联赛第22轮一场焦点战在阿诺塔球场展开争夺,最终皇家马德里客场2:1力克皇家社会,复出的贝克汉姆打进绝杀,帮助皇马结束连败。4月20日,在皇马主场2-1战胜巴伦西亚队的比赛,小贝重新回到皇马阵容,他在比赛的下半场替补登场后,为本队攻入的制胜球进行了助攻。6月17日,小贝在皇马3:1战胜马洛卡首发,并获得西甲冠军,此役小贝在第66分钟被雷耶斯换下,这是小贝在皇马的最后一场比赛。7月13日,加盟洛杉矶银河,成为美国职业大联盟足球联赛的最新一员 。

  2008年3月26日,小贝代表英格兰出场100次,成为英队历史上第5位进入百场名人堂的球员。5月24日,小贝效力的洛杉矶银河队在美国大联盟的比赛中对阵堪萨斯奇才,补时阶段,在距离球门70码攻入一粒超远距离入球。7月16日,小贝获得ESPN发起的一年一度的“ESPY年度卓越体育表现奖”(Excellencein Sports Performance Yearly)。小贝也被选为2012年伦敦奥运会形象大使之一,8月24日晚北京奥运会闭幕式“伦敦8分钟”向全球发出邀请。12月20日,小贝正式与米兰签约,将于2008-2009赛季租借于米兰 。



  2010年3月11日,欧冠1\8决赛,米兰做客老特拉福德挑战曼联,小贝再次回到老特拉福德,下半时他替补出场受到了全场观众的欢呼。7年后,曼联球迷用实际行动告诉大卫,他仍然是老特拉福德的孩子。3月15日,AC米兰1-0战胜了切沃,但也为此付出了沉重的代价,赛后经过初步诊断,小贝左脚跟腱断裂,将休息5到6个月,他将彻底无缘南非世界杯 。

  2011年4月29日,英国伦敦,贝克汉姆携妻子维多利亚和三个孩子现身威斯敏斯特教堂,参加威廉王子大婚。5月4日,三星电子宣布与大卫·贝克汉姆签署了出任2012年伦敦奥运会全球品牌大使的独家协议。11月20日,2011年美职杯总决赛(MLS CUP)在洛杉矶打响,西部联盟冠军洛杉矶银河坐镇卡森的家庭百货中心球场迎战东部联盟冠军休斯顿迪纳摩。最终,凭借多诺万的唯一进球,银河队主场1-0小胜对手夺冠。这也是贝克汉姆5年美职生涯获得的第一座总决赛冠军。


  2013年2月1日,大卫·贝克汉姆全家出席《The class of 92》举行的首映式 。2月25日凌晨,小贝在巴黎圣日耳曼上演其法甲首秀。第76分钟,小贝替换帕斯托雷出场,并策动进攻帮助伊布打入锁定胜局的一球,最终巴黎圣日耳曼2:0击败马赛。小贝成为2011年5月以来法甲最老的非门将出场队员,也是法甲历史上第27位出场的英国人。大罗受邀为本场比赛开球。4月6日23时。下半场补时阶段第3分钟,伊布策动反击,帕斯托雷禁区前沿塞球,小贝右侧反越位外脚背搓射飞向远角,伊布跟进头球点进门内。巴黎2:0取胜,这也是贝克汉姆加盟巴黎的首个助攻。5月16日晚间,英足总官方宣布,贝克汉姆将在赛季结束以后正式退役 。








  David Beckham (David Beckham), May 2, 1975 was born in London, London, Dayton Stone, former British professional football player, midfielder.

  David Beckham youth in Manchester United fame, 1999, 2001 twice won the World Soccer Player Silver Award, in 1999 was elected UEFA Player of the Year, in 2001 was named the best British athletes, in 2010 BBC Lifetime Achievement Award.

  David Beckham played for a total of Manchester United, Preston, Real Madrid, Los Angeles Galaxy, AC Milan and Paris Saint Germain 6 clubs, get a Champions League, a Toyota Cup, 6 Premier League trophy, 2 The first time the FA Cup, 4 charity shield, 1 times La Liga championship, a Spanish Super Cup, 2 US Major League finals champion, 1 French champion.

  On May 16, 2013, David Beckham issued a notice through the official website of the FA, announced that he will be officially retired after the end of the season. Beckham 1996 - 2009 on behalf of the England team played 115 times, scored 17 goals, of which 58 served as the captain of the three lions.


  David Beckham was born in the East End of London, his father Edward was a chef and his mother Sandra West was a beautician. As a child, Beckham participated in the Bobby Charlton football school. Once again in the street football game, Beckham won the first place and won a chance to go to Barcelona to attend the training session. 7 years old, joined the father of the amateur team coach Reid Weaverworth team. At the elementary school, on behalf of Ridderv Rangers, won the “Feifeid“ 5-a-side football championship.

  At the age of 11, joined Walterham under the age of 12 juvenile team. Was the Manchester United scouting Malcolm Feygien phase; on behalf of Essex middle school; to the identity of outstanding students into the Tottenham Hotspur training. At the age of 13, Beckham received the invitation of Manchester United club.

  In 1988, Charlton hosted the football school in the stand out, was named the school’s most promising students.

  July 8, 1991 to join the Manchester United youth team began training.

  January 22, 1993, officially became a professional football player. November 7, 1994, in the Champions League against Turkey Galatasaray in the game, Beckham finally scored his first goal in Manchester United team. In 1995, in the first game leased to Preston, Beckham scored a free kick with a free kick. After returning to Manchester United, Beckham has his first stable number in Manchester United, No. 24.

  April 2, 1995, for the first time on behalf of the Manchester United to play the game, the opponent is Leeds United, when the jersey number 19 (later most of the time wearing No. 7 jersey). August 19, Manchester United against Aston Villa in the game, he missed a long shot, scored himself for Manchester United scored the first Premiership goal.

  In 1996, in the British FA Cup semi-final against the Chelsea team, Manchester United scored a winning goal, from the establishment of his main position in Manchester United. For the first time in the 1996 season, he joined the English Premier League and worked with his teammates to win the Manchester United Super League title. August 17, he Manchester United against Wimbledon in the game, from the midfield near a 60 meters away from the long-range long-range long-range success, shocked four. His goal in 1998 by the senior football star selected the history of the most exciting three goals in the first three. On September 1, he played for England for the first time in a match against Moldova. In this year, he won the Super League August Player of the Year, “Sky Sports / Panasonic“ Best Newcomer Award, League Champion and FA Cup.

  In 1997, he won the league title, the best newcomer of the year and the Matt Bassby Award.

  In 1998, in the French World Cup 1 \ 8 final England in Argentina during a war, he was kicked in the second half was kicked off, resulting in England team to 10 people fight 11 people, the final penalty defeat. After the game, he was strongly condemned by the domestic public opinion, into a low tide of life, and Victoria’s wedding was forced to postpone.

  April 25, 1999, selected by the England Association of Professional Athletes selected 1998-1999 season England Premier League best team. May 16, with teammates, Manchester United won the 1998-1999 season, the British Premier League championship. May 23, and teammates, Manchester United won the 1999 FA Cup champion, toward the Triple Crown forward. May 26, as the midfielder, with their outstanding performance to help Manchester United in Barcelona beat the belligerent Bayern Munich team, won the 1999 European club championship champion, won the Triple Crown. October, due to participate in the Champions League game to London to attend the party, the club stopped two weeks wages. And then repeatedly eat yellow card, was summoned by the British Football Informal talks. November 30, together with his teammates to Manchester United won the Toyota Cup championship. In December, was selected for the 1999 European All-Star team. In the same year, he was nominated by Mr. European Footballer (second vote).

  In January 2000 in the FIFA World Cup player named in the second. In June, England was selected to participate in the 11th European Football Championship, he was in the group stage against the German team in a record of accurate long pass for Hiller header to break, and ultimately beat the opponent made credit. European Championships in England and Portugal after the game, a handful of fans because of dissatisfaction with England, and in the exit when the players abuse, Beckham was so angry, made a vertical middle finger action, but escaped the sanctions. This year, he and his teammates, Manchester United won the 1999-2000 season, the British Premier League championship. November 15, before England’s game against the Italian team, the national team temporary coach Peter. Taylor appointed him as captain. He also won the 2000 English footballer.

  In February 2001 in the game against Spain, the national team new coach Sven Golan. Eriksson reappointed Beckham as captain of the national team. England won the game at 3-0. April 15, Manchester United ahead of five rounds of the 2000-2001 season, the British Premier League championship, to achieve a three consecutive championship; Manchester United in the last 9 years 7 degrees king. In July, became the cover of the first cover of the magazine’s characters. He also won the 2001-2002 season Western Union most valuable player. In September, Beckham as captain of the England team in the World Cup qualifier, in Munich to 5: 1 away victory over Germany. October in the World Cup qualifier against the Greek team injury time, with a free kick to save the team to help England and opponents draw 2: 2, and made the World Cup final stage of the competition. He was also elected in October as the BBC Sports Individual Individual Award. This year, he won the annual UK best player, World Player nomination (second vote) and European Footballer nomination (fourth vote), and selected UEFA annual team.

  In April 2002 in the Champions League 1 \ 4 final against the La Coruna team game, he was Argentine player Ducher kicked, resulting in the left foot of the second phalanx fracture, almost unable to participate in the World Cup. And later in a car accident survived May 9, by the British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s visit. May 10, by the British Queen’s interview. On May the last day of the league season, the club was renewed with the Manchester United club until June 2005. In June, became the first male manuscript of “Marie Clare“ magazine. 6 months of leg injury in time to recover, with the national team participated in the World Cup, and in the group stage against Argentina’s game into a penalty, to help England 1: 0 victory over 1998 had to kill their own red card opponents. In the 1 \ 4 final, England lost to Brazil.

  February 2003 in the FA Cup fifth round Manchester United was Arsenal team eliminated, in the lounge was kicked by coach Alex Alex Ferguson shoes hit face. April in the league against Arsenal’s key game and the Champions League against Real Madrid’s 1 \ 4 final, became a substitute. Real Madrid in the second round of the game to the first 64 minutes when the bench to play, then two goals to help Manchester United 4: 3 win, but the team is still 5: 6 total score was eliminated. May 21, received by Nelson Mandela. May in Durban and South African team in the friendly match in the hand bone injury, is expected to play plaster six to eight weeks. England won 2: 1 in that game. June 10, Manchester United said, has been running for the club president of Barcelona Hoan. La Pota had talks. June 14 was awarded by the Queen Elizabeth to the OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) award. June 17 Manchester United club announced that Beckham to 35 million euros to the price of Real Madrid team. July 1, joined the Spanish Real Madrid team. In July, with Real Madrid to Asia (including China) to do publicity and pre-training. August 28 at 3:45 am (Spain local time 21:45), in the Spanish Super Cup second round of the race, with Raul, Ronaldo and Beckham’s goal, Real Madrid home 3 to 0 victory over Mallorca , To 4: 2 total score to win the Super Bowl. He was also selected in this year’s UEFA annual team.

  In June 2004, led by the captain of England to set off the European Cup, into the quarterfinals.

  In July 2005, with the Real Madrid to do publicity and do pre-competition training.

  June 10, 2006, led by the captain of England to set off the World Cup. Group match opener Paraguay, his free kick forced Gamara into the goal, England to 1-0 win the first battle. June 16, against Trinidad and Tobago Jiugong no less, but also the Bayesian arc pass assists Crouch to break the deadlock. June 25, with a free kick lore Ecuador, directly to England into the quarterfinals. At this point, Beckham three times for England brought three victories. At the same time, he also became England’s first in the history of the three World Cup goals have players. July 1, against the Portuguese England penalty penalty was eliminated, Beckham failed to play the audience. On July 2, he resigned from England.

  In January 2007, Beckham decided not to renew Real Madrid, announced that he will join the US Major League after the end of the season. January 16, Real Madrid coach Capello immediately on the Beckham issued a “ban order“: Beckham in the future only with the team training, will not represent Real Madrid to participate in any game. February 11 at 3:00, the 2006-2007 season, the Spanish Football League 22nd round of a focus war in the Arnotta Stadium to compete for the final Real Madrid away 2: 1 Lectra royal society, comeback Beckham scored Kill, help Real Madrid finish losing streak. April 20, Real Madrid home 2-1 victory over Valencia game, Beckham returned to Real Madrid lineup, he played in the second half of the game after the bench, the team scored the winning goal for the assists. June 17, Beckham in Real Madrid 3: 1 victory over Mallorca starting, and won the La Liga champion, the campaign Beckham in the 66th minute Reyes replaced, this is Beckham in Real Madrid’s last game. July 13, joined the Los Angeles Galaxy, the United States occupation league football league’s latest member.

  March 26, 2008, Beckham on behalf of England played 100 times, becoming the British team history, the first five into the field of Hall of Fame players. May 24, Beckham’s effectiveness of the Los Angeles Galaxy in the US Major League game against the Kansas Wizards, the stoppage time, 70 yards away from the goal scored a long-range goal. On July 16th, Beckham won the annual ESPN Award for Excellencein Sports Performance Year. Beckham was also selected as one of the 2012 London Olympic Games ambassador, August 24 evening Beijing Olympic Games closing ceremony “London 8 minutes“ to the global invitation. December 20, Beckham officially signed with Milan, will be in the 2008-2009 season rented in Milan.

  February 13, 2009, Beckham on behalf of England on behalf of the first 108 appearances, together with Moore, tied for England in the history of the old goalkeeper Hilton after playing the second number of players. March 8, AC Milan club official statement, football player Beckham will be in the June 30, 2009 has been to stay in the team.

  October 15, 2009, the World Cup European qualifying F group for the last game, England in New Wembley Stadium against Belarus. The first half of the opening soon high guy Crouch on the front Qiangdian break, the second half Beckham assists Wright - Phillips score, then Crouch scored twice, England 3-0 victory over Belarus. This is the 115th appearance of Beckham on behalf of the England team, but also his last game in the national team.

  March 11, 2010, the Champions League 1/8 final, Milan guest Old Trafford challenge Manchester United, Beckham once again returned to Old Trafford, the second half when he played off the audience by the audience cheering. 7 years later, Manchester United fans with practical action to tell David, he is still the old Trafford children. March 15, AC Milan 1-0 victory over Chievo, but also to pay a heavy price, after the initial diagnosis, Beckham left leg Achilles tendon rupture, will rest 5 to 6 months, he will completely miss South Africa World Cup.

  April 29, 2011, London, England, Beckham with his wife Victoria and three children appeared in Westminster Abbey, to participate in Prince William’s wedding. On May 4, Samsung Electronics announced that it had signed an exclusive agreement with David Beckham as the global brand ambassador for the 2012 London Olympics. November 20, 2011, the US House Cup finals (MLS CUP) started in Los Angeles, Western League champion Los Angeles Galaxy sits in the town of Carson’s family department center stadium against the Eastern League champions Houston Dynamo. Ultimately, with Donovan’s only goal, the Galaxy home win 1-0 victory over the opponent. This is also Beckham 5 years career won the first finals champion.

  December 2, 2012, the US Major League Finals in Los Angeles war, Beckham last time on behalf of the Los Angeles Galaxy team appearance, the results help the team 3-1 successfully reversed Houston Dynamo, to achieve the two consecutive league, Beckham is also the perfect way to complete his own American football career.

  February 1, 2013, David Beckham family attended the “The class of 92“ at the premiere. February 25 morning, Beckham in Paris Saint-Germain staged his first show of France. 76 minutes, Beckham replaced Pastore appearance, and instigated the attack to help Ibrahimovic scored a goal to seal the victory, the final Paris Saint Germain 2: 0 victory over Marseille. Beckham became the oldest non-goalkeeper in France since May 2011 and the 27th appearance of the French history. Big Luo invited to kick the game for the game. At 6:00 on April 6th. The second half of the stoppage period of the first 3 minutes, Ibrahimovic counterattack, Pastore restricted the front row of the ball, Beckham on the right side of the offside off the foot of the foot flying to the far corner, Ibrahimovic to follow the ball into the door. Paris 2-0 win, which is Beckham joined Paris’s first assists. May 16 evening, the FA official announced that Beckham will be officially retired after the end of the season.

  June 2014, Beckham guest CCTV program “talk about friends.“ November 6, Beckham, accompanied by Ma Yun visited the company.

  November 18, 2015, Beckham by the United States “people“

  Magazine named the world’s most sexy men in 2015.

  In January 2016, Beckham nominated GQ “Top Ten will wear“ singular list, ranked No. 4.


  In the lens, the brand value of the advertiser, in the eyes of the adult heart, Beckham is the most star in the play, or play the most valuable, or will make money in the most promising And he himself is always living in the darling of the temperature. Beckham’s popularity in the UK is as big as Michael Jordan’s popularity in the United States, and their popularity on a global scale can be matched with each other. Since Beckham on the football field cut a striking figure, especially as the girlfriend of the day of Spice Girls, he has no longer like ordinary people as freely in the street wandering. He became living in the spotlight under the characters, every move is to become the focus of attention.


简 介
拥有坐架: 福特Escort,Ranger Rover,Bentliey, 美洲豹XK8,保时捷
911Turbo, 法拉利F550 Maranello
贝克汉姆如何形容自己: 有礼、沉默、外向、 购物狂
主要荣誉: 1996年联赛冠军、足总杯冠军 1997联赛冠军 1999年联赛冠军、足总杯冠军、欧洲冠军杯冠军 2000年联赛冠军

