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  • 生活知识
  • 2023-05-20
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  • 生活知识


一、好任侠, 喜纵横
李白于武则天长安元年(公元701年)出生于西域的碎叶, 五岁时随家人定居于昌隆(今四川江油县)的青莲乡.
李白少时, 好任侠, 且喜纵横. 昌隆所在的绵州地区, 自汉末以来, 便是道教活跃的地方.
, 李白从少年时起, 常去戴天山寻找道观的道士谈论道经.
二、 仗剑远游
开元十三年(公元725年), 李白出蜀, \“仗剑去国, 辞亲远游\“. 他乘舟沿江出峡, 渐行渐远, 家乡的山峦逐渐隐没不可辨认了, 只有从三峡流出的水仍跟随着他, 推送着他的行舟, 把他要送到一个陌生而又遥远的城市中去.
李白到了六代故都金陵. 此地江山雄性, 虎踞龙盘, 六朝宫阅历历在目. 这既引起李白许多感慨, 也引起了他对自己所处时代的自豪感. 他认为往日之都, 己呈一片衰颓之气, 没有什么好观赏的了, 根本不及当今皇帝垂拱而治, 天下呈现出的一片太平景象.
金陵的霸气虽己消亡, 但金陵的儿女却饱含深情地接待李白. 当李白告别金陵时, 吴姬压酒, 金陵子弟殷勤相送, 频频举杯劝饮, 惜别之情如东流的江水, 流过了人们的心头, 使人难以忘却.
李白告别金陵后, 从江上前往扬州.
扬州是当时的一个国际都市. 李白从没有看到过如此热闹的城市, 与同游诸人盘桓了一些时日. 到了盛夏, 李白与一些年轻的朋友 《系马垂杨下, 衔杯大道边. 天边看绿水, 海上见青山》, 好不惬意. 到了秋天, 他在淮南(治所在扬州)病倒了. 卧病他乡, 思绪很多, 既感叹自己建功立业的希望渺茫, 又深深地思念家乡, 惟一能给他带来点安慰的, 便是远地友人的书信.
李白在准南病好之后, 又到了姑苏. 这里是当年吴王夫差与美女西施日夜酣歌醉舞的地方, 李白怀古有感, 写了一首咏史诗《乌栖曲》. 这首诗后来得到了贺知章的赞赏, 称其 \“可以泣鬼神矣\“. 由此看来, 李白的乐府诗有时虽袭用旧题, 却多别出新意.
姑苏的历史遗迹固然引起了李白的怀古之情, 美丽单纯的吴姬、越女更让李白赞美不己. 在昔日西施浣纱的茑萝山下, 李白以自己的生花妙笔为现今在浣纱石上的越女留下了一幅幅优美的速写.
李白由越西归, 回到了荆门.
在荆门他一呆就是三个月. 虽然思乡心切, 但功业没有一点成就, 他自觉难于回转家园. , 他决定再度漫游.
, 他来到洞庭湖, 把吴指南的尸骨移葬到江夏(今湖北武昌). 他在江夏结识了僧行融, 又从他那里了解到孟浩然的为人, 于是便去襄阳拜见孟浩然, 由此写下了著名的五律诗 《赠孟浩然》.
不久, 李白到了安陆, 在小寿山中的道观住了下来. , 隐居于此并非长久之计, 他仍然想寻找机会, 以求仕进. 在隐居寿山时, 李白以干谒游说的方式结交官吏, 提高自己的声誉.
李白的文才得到了武后时宰相许圉师的赏识, 便将其招为女婿. 李白与夫人许氏在离许家较近的白兆山的桃花岩下过了一段幸福美满的婚姻生活. 可是美好的夫妻生活并没有令李白外出漫游以图功业的心志有所衰微减退. 他以安州妻家为根据地, 又几次出游, 结识了 一些官吏和贵公子, 并于开元二十二年(公元734年), 谒见荆州长史兼襄州刺史韩朝宗.
封建帝王常在冬天狩猎. 玄宗即位后, 己有过多次狩猎, 每次都带外国使臣同去, 耀武扬威, 以此震慑邻国. 开元二十三年(公元735年), 玄宗又有一次狞猎, 正好李白也在西游, 因上《大猎赋》, 希望能博得玄宗的赏识.
他的《大猎赋》希图以 \“大道匡君, 示物周博\“, 而 \“圣朝园池遐荒, 殚穷六合\“, 幅员辽阔, 境况与前代大不相同, 夸耀本朝远胜汉朝, 并在结尾处宣讲道教的玄埋, 以契合玄宗当时崇尚道教的心情.
李白这次在长安还结识了贺知章. 李白有次去紫极宫, 不料竟在那里遇见了贺知章. 他早就拜读过贺老的诗, 这次相遇, 自然立刻上前拜见, 并呈上袖中的诗本. 贺知章颇为欣赏《蜀道难》和《乌栖曲》, 兴奋地解下衣带上的金龟叫人出去换酒与李白共饮. 李白瑰丽的诗歌和啸洒出尘的丰采令贺知章惊异万分, 竟说:“你是不是太白金星下凡到了人间?”
一年快过去了, 李白仍然作客长安, 没有机会出任, 他的心情有些沮丧. 好友诚意相邀, 希望他同去青山之阳的别业幽居, 但李白无意前往. 这次去长安, 抱着建功立业的理想, 却毫无着落, 这使李白感到失望并有点愤懑. 往王公大人门前干谒求告, 也极不得意, 只有发出\“行路难, 归去来\“的感叹, 离开了长安.
天宝元年(公元742年), 由于玉真公主和贺知章的交口称赞, 玄宗看了李白的诗赋, 对其十分仰慕, 便召李白进宫. 李白进宫朝见那天, 玄宗降辇步迎, “以七宝床赐食于前, 亲手调羹”. 玄宗问到一些当世事务, 李白凭半生饱学及长期对社会的观察, 胸有成竹, 对答如流. 玄宗大为赞赏, 随即令李白供奉翰林, 职务是草拟文告, 陪侍皇帝左右. 玄宗每有宴请或郊游, 必命李白侍从, 利用他敏捷的诗才, 赋诗纪实. 虽非记功, 也将其文字流传后世, 以盛况向后人夸示. 李白受到玄宗如此的宠信, 同僚不胜艳羡, 但也有人而产生了嫉恨之心.
天宝三年(公元744年)的夏天, 李白到了东都洛阳. 在这里, 他遇到正在蹭蹬不遇的杜甫. 中国文学史上最伟大的两位诗人见面了. 此时, 李白已名扬全国, 而杜甫风华正茂, 却困守洛城. 李白比杜甫年长十一岁, 但他并没有以自己的才名在杜甫面前倨傲;而“性豪业嗜酒”、“结交皆老苍”的杜甫, 也没有在李白面前一味低头称颂. 两人以平等的身份, 建立了深厚的友情. 在洛阳时, 他们约好下次在梁宋(今开封商丘一带)会面, 访道求仙.
这年秋天, 两人如约到了梁宋. 两人在此抒怀遣兴, 借古评今. 他们还在这里遇到了诗人高适, 高适此时也还没有禄位. , 三人各有大志, 理想相同. 三人畅游甚欢, 评文论诗, 纵谈天下大势, 都为国家的隐患而担忧. 这时的李杜都值壮年, 此次两人在创作上的切磋对他们今后产生了积极影响.
这年的秋冬之际, 李杜又一次分手, 各自寻找道教的师承去造真簏(道教的秘文)、授道簏去了. 李白到齐州(今山东济南一带)紫极宫清道士高天师如贵授道簏, 从此他算是正式履行了道教仪式, 成为道士. 其后李白又赴德州安陵县, 遇见这一带善写符篆的盖寮, 为他造了真寰. 此次的求仙访道, 李白得到了完满的结果.
天宝四年 (公元745年)秋天, 李白与杜甫在东鲁第三次会见. 短短一年多的时间, 他们两次相约, 三次会见, 知交之情不断加深. 他们一道寻访隐士高人, 也偕同去齐州拜访过当时驰名天下的文章家、书法家李邕. 就在这年冬天, 两人分手, 李白准备重访江东.
李白离开东鲁, 便从任城乘船, 沿运河到了扬州. 由于急着去会稽会见元丹丘, 也就没有多滞留.
到了会稽, 李白去凭吊过世的贺知章. 不久, 孔巢文也到了会稽, 于是李白和元丹丘、孔巢文畅游禹穴、兰亭等历史遗迹, 泛舟静湖, 往来剡溪等处, 倘佯山水之中, 即兴描写了这一带的秀丽山川和美丽妇女.
在金陵, 李白遇见了崔成甫. 两人都是政治上的失意者, 情怀更加相投. 每次游玩时, 都尽情畅游, 不计早晚. 他们泛舟秦淮河, 通宵达旦地唱歌, 引得两岸人家不胜惊异, 拍手为他们助兴. 两人由于性格相投、遭遇相似, 所以比之一般朋友更为默契, 友情更深厚, 因而李白把崔成甫的诗系在衣服上, 每当想念, 便吟诵一番.
3?探幽燕, 走江南
李白在吴越漫游了几年, 漂泊不定. 这时国家混乱, 情况一年比一年差. 在以天下兴亡为己任的心情引导下, 他决计去幽燕(今北京一带), 以探虚实.
到了幽燕之后, 李白亲眼看到安禄山秣马厉兵, 形势己很危急, 自己却无能为力. 安史之乱前两三年, 李白漫游于宣城、当涂、南陵、秋浦一带, 仍然衣食依人, 经常赋诗投赠地方官, 以求帮助.
在此次漫游期间, 李白因夫人许氏病亡, 又娶宗氏. 家庭多变, 国家多事, 李白一面求仙学道, 一面企图为国建功, 对于国家安危, 颇多关切, 虽然仍事漫游, 已与过去有所不同.
天宝十四年, 安史之乱策发, 李白避居庐山. 那时, 他的胸中始终存在着退隐与济世两种矛盾的思想. 永王李磷恰在此时出师东巡, 李白应邀人幕.
李白人幕后, 力劝永王勤王灭贼, 而对于政治上的无远见, 他也作过自我检讨. 同在江南的萧颖士、孔巢文、刘晏也曾被永王所邀而拒不 参加, 以此免祸, 李白在这点上显然不及他们.
乾元二年 (公元759年), 李白行至巫山, 朝廷因关中遭遇大旱, 宣布大赦, 规定死者从流, 流以下完全赦免. 这样, 李白经过长期的辗转流离, 终于获得了自由. 他随即顺着长江疾驶而下, 而那首著名的《朝发自帝城》最能反映他当时的心情.
到了江夏, 由于老友良宰正在当地做太守, 李白便逗留了一阵. 乾元二年, 李白应友人之邀, 与被谪贬的贾至泛舟赏月于洞庭之上, 发思古之幽情, 赋诗抒怀. 不久, 又回到宣城、金陵旧游之地. 差不多有两年的时间, 他往来于两地之间, 仍然依人为生. 上元二年, 己六十出头的李白因病返回金陵. 在金陵, 他的生活相当窘迫, 不得已只好投奔了在当涂做县令的族叔李阳冰.
上元三年 (公元762年), 李白病重, 在病塌上把手稿交给了李阳冰, 赋 《临终歌》而与世长辞, 终年六十二岁


李白(701-762),字太白,号青莲居士,唐朝诗人,有“诗仙”之称,最伟大的浪漫主义诗人 。
他的千古名篇如《宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云》 、《行路难》、《将进酒》、《梦游天姥吟留别》,有《李太白集》传世。


李白(701年-762年) ,字太白,号青莲居士,是唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人,被后人誉为“诗仙”。据《新唐书》记载,李白为兴圣皇帝(凉武昭王李暠)九世孙,与李唐诸王同宗。其人爽朗大方,爱饮酒作诗,喜交友。




神龙元年(705年), 十一月,武则天去世。李白五岁。发蒙读书始于是年。《上安州裴长史书》云:“五岁诵六甲。”六甲,唐代的小学识字课本,长史,州之次官。






上元三年 (762年),李白病重,在病榻上把手稿交给了李阳冰,赋《临终歌》而与世长辞。




  Li Bai (701 years - 762 years), the word Taibai, No. Qinglian lay, and also “immortal immortal“, is the Tang Dynasty great romantic poet, was later known as “poetry cents“, and Du Fu and called “Lee Du “, in order to and the other two poets Li Shangyin and Du Mu that“ Xiao Li Du “distinction, Du Fu and Li Bai and collectively known as“ big Li Du “. Its hearty and generous, love to drink poetry, hi friends.

  Li Bai was deeply influenced by Huang Laozhuangzhuang’s thought, and “Li Taibai set“ handed down. Many poems were written in the poems. The representative works were “Lushan Falls“, “Difficulty“, “Shu Road Difficult“, “ “,“ Liang Fu Yin “,“ early white city “and so many first.

  Li Bai’s poems, the Song has been biographies (such as Wenying “Xiangshan wild recorded“ volume), its creation of meaning and artistic achievements, “Li Bai word“ enjoys a very high status.




  Thoughts in the Still of the Night

  A pool of moonlight before the bed,

  Took it to be frost on the ground.

  Raised my head to gaze at the moon,

  And lowered it to think of home.


  Early genius

  Chang’an first year (701 years), Li Bai, the word Taibai. Its habitat is generally considered to be Tang Jiannan Road Mianzhou (Brazil County) Changlong (after the Xuanzong taboo to Changming) Qinglian Township. Ancestral home for the Gansu Tianshui. Its family background, the family are unknown According to the “New Book of Tang“ records, Li Bai for the holy emperor (Liang Wuzhao Wang Li Hao) nine sun, according to this argument Li Bai and Li Tang Zhu Tong, is the emperor Taishou Li Shimin fellow villagers. Also said that his ancestors are Li Jiancheng or Li Yuanji.

  Dragon first year (705 years), November, Wu Zetian died. Li Bai five years old. Mongolian reading began in the year. “On the Anzhou Pei long history book“ cloud: “five-year-old recite six.“ Liujia, Tang Dynasty primary school literacy textbooks, long history, state of the official.

  Kaiyuan three years (715 years), Li Bai fifteen years old. There are many poems, and get some celebrities respected and reward, began to engage in social activities. Also began to accept the influence of Taoist thought, good swordsmanship, hi Ren Xia. Is the year Cen Shen students.

  Kaiyuan six years (718 years), Li Bai eighteen years old. Seclusion Dai Daxia mountain (in this province of Jiangyou County, Sichuan Province) study. Travel to the next county, has travel Jiangyou, Jiange, Zi state (state in this Sichuan province) and other places, an increase of a lot of experience and knowledge.


  Kaiyuan twelve years (724 years), Li Bai twenty-four years old. Leaving the hometown and set foot on the journey. And then travel to Chengdu, Emei Mountain, and then boat trip east to Yuzhou (now Chongqing).

  Kaiyuan thirteen years (725 years), Li Bai out of Shu, “sword to go abroad, resign from the tour.“

  Kaiyuan fourteen years (726 years), Li Bai twenty-six years old. Spring to Yangzhou (now Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province). Autumn, sick lying in Yangzhou. Winter, from Yangzhou North Run Ruzhou (now Henan Province Linru County), to Anlu (now Hubei Province Anlu County). Passing through Chenzhou and Li Yong met. Get acquainted with Meng Haoran.

  Kaiyuan fifteen years (727 years), is the edict of “civil civil and military high who can go to the court self recommended.“ Autumn, the country sixty-three state floods, seventeen state frost drought. Li Bai twenty-seven years old. Living in the Lu Lushan, and the so-called prime minister Xu Yu’s granddaughter married, home in Anlu. Is the year Wang Changling Jinshi and the first.

  Kaiyuan sixteen years (728 years), Tubo repeated invasion. Li Bai twenty-eight years old. Early spring, travel Jiangxia (now Wuhan City, Hubei Province), and Meng Haoran meet in Sri Lanka.

  Kaiyuan seventeen years (729), August 5, Emperor Xuanzong for his forty birthday to celebrate a grand celebration, and August 5 each year for the autumn festival. Edict the world state banquet music, vacation three days. To Yuwen financial management of the national financial resources, mandatory tax law, widely gathered for the use of the court luxury. Li Bai twenty-nine years old. In Anlu.

  Wasted years

  Kaiyuan eighteen years (730), Li Bai three years old. Spring in Anlu. Before this has repeatedly seen the state Pei long history, because of slander, in the recent confession, eventually rejected. Early summer, to Chang’an, Ye Zhai Zhang said, and get to know his son Zhang. Living in the end of Nanshan Yuzhen Princess (mysterious imperial sister) Museum. But also watched the other minister, no results. Twilight autumn tour Xing state (in the west of Chang’an). Winter tour of the state (in the north of Chang’an). Du Fu nine years old, travel in Jin (now Shanxi Province).

  Kaiyuan nineteen years (731 years), Xuanzong many eunuchs, especially pet high-power, when the Quartet play, are the first high-power decision. In October, Xuanzong driving Luoyang. Li Bai thirty-one years old. (Now Henan Province, Kaifeng City), to Song City (now Shangqiu County, Henan Province). It is located in Chang’an City, Chang’an City, Chang’an City, Chang’an City, Autumn to the mountain of one of the five mountains of the mountain (for the county of Dengfeng County, Henan Province), love the Friends of the Dan Qiu Shan where the mountain, by the meaning of seclusion. Late autumn, stay Luoyang.

  Kaiyuan twenty years (732 years), in October, Xuanzong to Luoyang to the north (now Shanxi Province area) area patrol, edict to patrol to the local officials can be directly to the court recommended. November, to the north of Taiyuan (Tang Dynasty founding of the land), worship after the soil (land God), amnesty world. In December, returned to Luoyang. The annual number of households is 7,686,126, with a population of 454,322,255, the highest ever recorded. Li Bai is thirty years old. Since the spring in summer in Luoyang, and meteors, Cui Chengfu get to know. Autumn, from Luoyang to Anlu. Passing through Nanyang (now Nanyang City, Henan Province), to meet Cui Zongzhi. Winter, yuan played from Luoyang to Anlu visit, two with Suizhou (now with the county in Hubei Province). Years old, home home Anlu.

  Kaiyuan twenty-one years (733), the first month, Tang Xuanzong pro-Laozi “Tao Te Ching“. So that the world Shi Shu (very low status of the people and the common people) home possession of a book, Mei Niangong when the test “I“ policy. In March, Han Xiu with the book under the door of the chapter (prime minister). May, Zhang Jiuling with the book under the door of the chapter. Two people are honest, dare to force remonstrance, especially in the literary ability of Zhang Jiuling, moral articles, for the world by the heavy. Divided into the world for the fifteen, the interview (to monitor the supervision of the area under the jurisdiction of the political and other items), is the long-term long rain, the capital of hunger, edict to put Taicang meters two million stone to the people. Li Bai thirty-three years old. Building stone room in Anlu Bai Zhaoshan peach blossom rock. Open mountain field, day to farming, reading for life.

  Kaiyuan twenty-two years (734), the first month, Tang Xuanzong patrol Luoyang. February, Qinzhou (now Gansu Tianshui County, southwest) earthquake, housing collapsed, collapse exhausted, more than four thousand people die. Sign the marsh claiming born in Yao when the priest Mr. Zhang Guo, Xuan Zong kiss to cure the gods of the surgery. (Yin Ping Department of the Department of the blue to the slow, that the high grade signs. Deputy), the paternity (Tang Men under the province to assist the prime minister to draft documents and other officials).

  Journey to the West

  Kaiyuan twenty-three years (AD 735), Xuanzong another hunting, just Li Bai also Journey to the West, took the opportunity to offer “big hunting“, hoping to win the appreciation of the mysterious. His “big hunting“ to map to “Avenue Kuang Jun, show weeks Bo“, and “St. Zhao Yuan Chi Huang wasteland, bold and poor“, a vast territory, the situation is very different from the previous generation, boast of the far Sheng Han Dynasty, and at the end of the Taoist teach the mysterious buried in order to meet the Xuanzong was advocating Taoist mood.

  Is the year, Li Baijin Changan after the acquaintance of Wei Wei Zhang Qing, and through his gift to the princess Yu Zhen, the last two said, “when into the small room, the Queen should meet,“ is to wish her into immortal. Thus, he approached the upper level of the ruling class step by step. Li Bai this time in Changan also met Hezhizhang. Li Bai went to Purple Palace, where he met Hezhangzhang, immediately approached to meet, and was presented in the sleeve of the poem. He Zhizhang quite appreciate the “Shu Road difficult“ and “Wu Qiqu“. Li Bai magnificent poetry and chic dust of the style so that the incense of the book extremely surprised, actually said: “public and human life, is not too white stars fine?“ He Zhizhang called him immortal immortal. Three years later, Li Bai issued a “difficult road, go back“ sigh, leave Chang’an.

  Thanks to the Hanlin

  Tianbao the first year (AD 742), due to the Jade Princess and He Zhizhang of the mouth of praise, Xuanzong read Li Bai’s poetry, its very admired, they called Li Bai into the palace. Li Bai into the palace to see that day, Xuanzong chariot step welcome, “to Qibao bed in the past, hand spoon.“ Xuanzong asked some of the affairs of the world, Li Bai half-life and long-term observation of the community, well-thought-out, such as flow. Xuanzong greatly appreciated, then Li Bai worship Hanlin, his job is to write poetry and entertainment to the emperor, accompanied by the emperor around. Xuanzong every banquet or picnic, will Li Bai attendants, the use of his agile poem, poetry poetry. Although not remember meritorious deeds, but also the spread of their text later, to flourishing descendants to show. Li Bai by the mysterious such letters, colleagues envy, but some people have produced a jealousy.

  Tianbao two years (743 years), Li Bai forty-three years old. Imperial palace. Early spring, Xuanzong in the palace of music, Li Bai Feng Zhao as “official line of music“, thanks Palace Jin Pao. Late spring, Xingqing peony in full bloom, Xuanzong and Yang Yuhuan with tours, Li Bai and Feng Zhao as “clear tone.“ On the Queen’s life increasingly tired of life, since the vertical wine from the faint. And He Zhizhang and others knot “wine in the immortal“ tour, Xuanzong call not toward the DPRK. Tasting in the edict drunk edict, cited enough to high boots off the boots, the palace people hate, slander in the mysterious, Xuanzong sparse.

  Li Du acquaintance

  Tianbao three years (AD 744) in the summer, Li Bai to the east of Luoyang. Here, he encountered the rubbing of Du Fu. The two greatest poets in the history of Chinese literature met. At this point, Li Bai has been famous throughout the country, and Du Fu Fenghua, but trapped in Los Angeles. Li Bai is ten years older than Du Fu, but he did not own his name in front of Du Fu haughty. And “sexual Hao also addicted to alcohol“, “make all old cross“ Du Fu, Li Bai did not blindly bow in front of praise. Two people in equal capacity, the establishment of a deep friendship. In Luoyang, they made an appointment next time in Liang Song (now Kaifeng, Shangqiu area) met, visit the immortal. The same year the fall, the two as about Liang Song. Two people in this expressive, by ancient commentary today. They are still here to meet the poet Gao He, Gao Shi at this time there is no Lu bit. However, the three have their ambitions, the same ideal. Three people swim very happy, comment on poetry, talk about the general trend of the world, are worried about the country’s hidden dangers. At this time Li Du are worth the prime of life, the two people in the creation of the study on their future had a positive impact.

  This year’s autumn and winter, Li Du once again broke up. Li Bai to Qizhou (now Shandong Jinan area) Purple Palace, please Taoist Gao Tian Shi, such as your granted Tao, since he was officially fulfilled the Taoist ritual, a priest. Li Bai and then went to Texas An Lingxian, met this area with good write Talisman cover also, made for him the main Talisman. The visit to the immortal, Li Bai has been a perfect result.

  Tianbao four years (AD 745) fall, Li Bai and Du Fu met in the East Lu for the third time. Just over a year, they meet twice, meet three times, confessed feelings continue to deepen. They went to visit a hermit, also went to Qizhou visited the well-known article home, calligrapher Li Yong. In this winter, Li Du two break up.

  Anshi into the curtain

  Tianbao fourteen years (AD 755 years), Anshi chaos broke out, Li Bai and his wife Zong a South Ben ashamed. Spring in the cast. Spirits Luoyang lost, the Central Plains Transcending, but since the Tu Cheng Xuancheng, refuge engraved (now Zhejiang Province, knee county). To the sun (now Luanyang County, Jiangsu Province), and Zhang Xu meet. The summer solstice. Wen Guo Yi, Li Guangbi victory in Hebei, and returned to Jinling. Autumn, Wen Xuanzong Ben Shu, then along the west of the Yangtze River, into the Lushan screen stacked seclusion.

  To the first year of Germany (756), the first month, An Lushan in Luoyang claiming the great emperor. May, Guo Ziyi, Li Guangbi big broken Shi Siming, recovered more than ten counties in Hebei. In June, An Lushan led his troops to break Tongguan, captured brother Geshu Han.

  To Germany two years (757 years), Li Bai fifty-seven years old. The first month, in the king of the military camp, as a group of poems “Yong Wang

  East Tour song “to express the power to serve the country. Yong Wang unauthorized lead the East tour, leading to encirclement, defeated. Li Bai in Xunyang jail. Was Song Ruosi, Cui Huan rescue. Became Song Ruoxi’s aide, wrote some text for the song, and follow him to Wuchang. Li Bai in the Song Ruosi under the very much attention, and to the name of the Song once again recommended to the court, hoping to once again get the court appointment. And finally to participate in the Yong Wang East tour was convicted of long flow Yelang (now Guizhou Tongzi). Du Fu forty-six years old, in April, from the thieves camp to escape, Ye Suzong in the wind Xiang, right to add the left.

  Qian yuan the first year (758 years), April, Shi Siming anti. In May, Suzong took Zhang Hao prime minister, out of the history of Jingzhou big governor. In December, Shi Siming trapped Wei Zhou (now south of Hebei province). Li Bai fifty-eight years old. Li Bai from the sun, began to long flow Yelang, brother and brother were suspected to send. Late spring and early summer. Through the West Seattle (now Wuchang County East), to Jiangxia, visit the former residence of Li Yong, the Yellow Crane Tower, overlooking the Parrot Island. Autumn to Jiangling, winter into the Three Gorges. Du Fu was forty-seven years old, for the Department of Chinese power army.


  Qian Yuan two years (759 years), the court due to Guanzhong encounter drought, announced amnesty, the deceased from the flow, flow below the full pardon. Li Bai after a long period of movement, and finally get free. He immediately drove down the Yangtze River, and that the famous “early white city“ best reflected his feelings at the time. To Jiangxia, because the old friends are doing good local slaves, Li Bai will stay for a while. Qianyuan two years, Li Bai should be invited by friends, once again with the demeanor of Jia to boo the moon in the Dongting on the above, hair of the ancient love, poetry poetry. Soon, back to Xuancheng, Jinling old tour of the land. Almost two years time, he traveled between the two places, still according to people for a living.

  Shangyuan two years (761 years), has 60 early Li Bai returned to Jinling due to illness. In Jinling, his life is quite embarrassed, forced to go to the pawn in the pawn of the county magistrate Li Yang ice.

  Shangyuan three years (762 years), Li Bai seriously ill, in the sick on the manuscript to the Li Yangbing, Fu “dying song“ and died.


  李白和苏轼是 历史 上两大才子诗人,那么李白和苏轼有什么异同吗?下面是我为你搜集李白和苏轼有何不同,希望对你有帮助!


  两人虽然都是奇人,李白的奇在于他的诗歌的意向高远,不似凡间,色彩斑斓,缤纷壮丽,有着超越现实的气度,那种“仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人”的潇洒自由是一般人难以企及的,就像是烈酒一样。而苏轼最大的奇在于无论什么处境都能有着一种乐观豁达的态度,能够用一种“也无风雨也无晴”的态度来对待。所以说这两个人其实没有什么高下之说,各有所爱罢了,这两个人又都是不可缺少的,少了谁,中国的 传统 文化 都是失色不少。
  李白的 个人资料





  李白是唐朝乃至整个古代伟大的诗人,一生立志从政,实现自己的 政治 理想,却只有极短时间受到皇帝的器重。李白虽然在政治上没有表现的机会,在文学诗作上取得了极高的成就,留下了大量的作品,被后人传诵。




1. 李白简介英文

2. 关于李白的简介资料

3. 李白简短故事传说

4. 名人的故事

5. 李白的故事有哪些

6. 李白的爱情故事


【主要作品】客中作秋登宣城谢朓北楼 宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云 静夜思将进酒 望庐山瀑布 早发白帝城送友人 登金陵凤凰台 月下独酌清平调 其一 清平调 其二 清平调 其三下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒 春思 赠汪伦梦游天姥吟留别 金陵酒肆留别 关山月子夜吴歌 长干行 蜀道难长相思 其一 长相思 其二 行路难玉阶怨 赠孟浩然 渡荆门送别怨情 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵











李白(701年-762年) ,字太白,号青莲居士,又号“谪仙人”,是唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人,被后人誉为“诗仙”,与杜甫并称为“李杜”,为了与另两位诗人李商隐与杜牧即“小李杜”区别,杜甫与李白又合称“大李杜”。据《新唐书》记载,李白为兴圣皇帝(凉武昭王李暠)九世孙,与李唐诸王同宗。其人爽朗大方,爱饮酒作诗,喜交友。




二十岁时只身出川 ,开始了广泛漫游 ,南到洞庭湘江 ,东至吴、越 ,寓居在安陆(今湖北省安陆市)、应山(今湖北省广水市)。他到处游历 ,希望结交朋友 ,拜谒社会名流 ,从而得到引荐 ,一举登上高位 ,去实现政治理想和抱负 。

可是 ,十年漫游 ,却一事无成 。他又继续北上太原、长安(今陕西西安),东到齐、鲁各地 ,并寓居山东任城(今山东济宁)。这时他已结交了不少名流 ,创作了大量优秀诗篇。李白不愿应试做官 ,希望依靠自身才华,通过他人举荐走向仕途,但一直未得人赏识。他曾给当朝名士韩荆州写过一篇《与韩荆州书》,以此自荐 ,但未得回复。   

直到天宝元年(742年),因道士吴筠的推荐 ,李白被召至长安 ,供奉翰林 ,文章风采 ,名震天下 。李白初因才气为玄宗所赏识 ,后因不能见容于权贵 ,在京仅三年,就弃官而去 ,仍然继续他那飘荡四方的流浪生活 。  

