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  • 2023-05-18
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wayne,Lam JJ。

林俊杰(JJ Lin),1981年3月27日出生于新加坡,祖籍中国福建省厦门市同安区,华语流行乐男歌手、音乐人、潮牌主理人。2003年发行首张创作专辑《乐行者》,并于次年凭借该专辑获得第15届台湾金曲奖最佳新人奖。






本 名: 林俊杰 本 籍: 福建 英文名: Lam, JJ 生 日: 3-27 出生地: 新加坡 身 高: 172cm 体 重: 60kg 血 型: N/A 星 座: 白羊座 歌手详细资料 掌握的语言英语、华语喜欢的食物醉虾、白饭、生鱼片喜欢的颜色深蓝、黑、白喜欢的组合动力火车、S.H.E、N’Sync 喜欢的女歌手张惠妹、陈洁仪、Jennifer Lopez 喜欢的男歌手张学友、陶吉吉、周杰伦、Craig David、Michael Jackson 喜欢的女演员深田恭子、章子怡、全智贤喜欢的男演员周润发、梁朝伟、Nicolas Cage 喜欢的电影8 Mile、Face-off、Saving Phvate Ryan 喜欢的作家Shakespeare、Charles Dickens 最难忘的经验从小就去日本旅游最开心的事当我知道身边有我「爱」的人最讨厌的事当我做错事、犯错、被欺骗的感觉擅长的乐器钢琴、吉他、鼓专长写诗、绘画、创作、编曲、唱歌发表作品曲: where did you gd (吴克群/一个人的tomorrow) 记得 (张惠妹/真实) 有我 (王介安/最熟悉的陌生人) 一个人住 (阿杜/天黑) 放手 (阿杜/坚持到底) 超人心 (可米小子/HEY HAH) 清楚 (罗美玲/红色向日葵) 当你 (王心凌/BEGIN) 歌 手 履 历 1996 银座广场歌唱比赛 1997 第一届<滚石音乐词曲创作比赛>歌唱组亚军 1998 新加坡电视机构<宜康卡拉OK歌唱比赛>亚军 1999 海蝶音乐举办第二届<非常歌手训练班>毕业(共3,500人报名,其中只有70名入选) 2002 阿杜新加坡巡回校园演唱会嘉宾
林俊杰 江南 介绍华人唱片最具潜力的创作歌手 全亚洲百万销售见证 林俊杰一直以来以丰盛不断的创作能源,加上特殊的嗓音,使得去年2003年发行第一张个人大碟《乐行者》,虽遇上SARS,大家人心惶惶,但却在台湾开出销售红盘,连续十周摘下新人销售榜冠军…尤其内地的近百万张的销售量,更让大家对这个当时才22岁,新加坡能写能唱的新生代歌手,多了更多的惊喜与期待!而现在,终于,你可以听见并且看见一年来他累积的音乐能量及蜕变成大男生的全记录!就在2004全新大碟《江南》。 JJ林俊杰想和你一起分享的音乐旅行,他的音乐天堂 2003年,短短半年多的时间,俊杰走过中国内地的26个城市。半年多的音乐旅行,让他得到很多。曾经被歌迷昵称为“单眼皮小乖乖”的他也有了更多的感触。, 华语唱片最具公信力的金曲奖 最具潜力新人奖光环加身 多无丰富的创作大份备受肯定 作曲编曲制作样样行得通 JJ不仅整张专辑作曲全包办,更参与了编曲及制作,而由许环良老师领军的海蝶制作团队的烘托下,也让曲风更生丰富;歌词的全部概念,也由宝刀未老更显劲道的林秋离老师操盘,呈现着虚拟与真实世界的爱情虚实《精灵》,及自古至今什么都会变,唯真挚的爱情不变《江南》,《害怕》,《距离》的炙人情歌!更有新锐作词人方文山的《子弹列车》快歌,让整张专辑因为精彩可期。 首波抒情主打《江南》 JJ上张专辑走过亚洲各大城市,因着风俗民情的不同,让身为创作艺人的他,有了更多的“文化震荡”,尤其是他走过26个城镇的中国内地带给他最多的创作灵感与刺激!而《江南》这首歌正是他沿路背着计算机和Keyboard所酝酿出来的,《江南》……是一首走过时代与时空错乱的特殊情歌,在西洋R&B的节奏中特别加入了非常中国的洞萧与古筝,与日本乐器中的“尺八”和Koto有一种异曲同工之妙——想藉由中国古代“侠士”的精神,传达爱情里所谓的忠贞。此首歌其实想表达即是由古自今恒久不变的爱情观。让在21世纪,身心铜墙铁壁,心灵极度贫乏的我们,再重新感受一下永远不变的爱情魔力! 回归纯真感情世界简单直接的情歌《距离》 如果说这张专辑呈现一个音乐企图心及音乐旅程中的新的尝试,则这首情歌及延续上一张专辑中《冻结》的单纯青涩之爱 超强韩国舞曲风格的全新创作《子弹列车》 Hip-hop的节奏中加入非洲民族乐器Udu Drum,让现代人的科技造成生活中的疏离产生的矛盾,做一个原始和现代的反差!加上B2k(美最年轻的嘻哈舞蹈超的团体)编舞老师Davc Scott的编舞,这样的林俊杰,绝对让你惊艳! 单眼皮的林俊杰 最喜欢用多角度的视野 转化成音乐耕耘的养分 牡羊座的林俊杰 最喜欢以多面向的态度 量化成音符创造出惊喜 而这次的《江南》专辑,终于一偿俊杰投入音乐工作以来的最大愿望,来到孕育出世界顶尖音乐人及歌手的音乐殿堂——L.A.好莱坞,不仅向他最崇拜的大才艺人迈克.杰克逊的专属录音师Brian Gardner见习录音技巧,为朝全方位制作人的路程迈进。更向B2K美国由4个15,6岁的嘻哈舞蹈超的团体)编舞老师Dave Scott练习舞台肢体及舞步指导。这个以超强舞技搭配凌乱碎拍组成猛爆视觉的团体,舞蹈大师的功力果真不同凡响! JJ因为有练过武术的底子打底,让他的舞步像吃到大力丸般开了窍, Scot t更超投缘的私自传授JJ个人在舞台上如何抓住观众的魅力小技巧……这样的JJ,进步的JJ,让你想象不到这么会跳舞的JJ——全在《江南》! 这次俊杰将带给大家的不只是音乐上的态度,连同生活上的环保概念,一并推荐给大家。看着他每次出现时的二手衣穿着,JJ其实想给大家一种《古着》的穿衣暂学——运用小小的创意即可让生活大大的转变!不仅穿得自在且更具特色。 JJ林俊杰,出生在新加坡,从小喜欢旅游每年会随同爸妈去一趟日本探访干妈最怀念和同学一起去南非那触手可及仿佛就要掉到你的喉头大到不行的星星;因工作之后,愈来愈多的出国工作机会……每次他都带着好奇的心,去发掘沿路的惊喜、收集好玩有趣的东西及感想,将脑中闪过的一个画面、一把声音、一句话语、甚至一种心情,记录在歌里。 这样的单眼皮男生就是要给你更多的FUN及好音乐 之前就曾经帮张惠妹、萧亚轩、阿杜写过炙人歌曲的JJ,因为金曲奖的肯定,愈来愈多的歌曲邀约更接蹿而至江蕙、张智成、S.H.E、renee。张韶涵、哈林…… JJ将会用更多的音乐能量来灌溉,一定会给大家更多面向的更充满惊喜的音乐天堂! JJ林俊杰个人资料 姓名 林俊杰英文名字 J.J性别 男国籍 新加坡生日 3月27日星座 白羊座籍贯 福建血型 O型身高 172cm体重 60kg掌握的语言 英语、华语喜欢的食物 醉虾、白饭、生鱼片喜欢的颜色 深蓝、黑、白喜欢的组合 动力火车、S.H.E、N’ Sync喜欢的女歌手 张惠妹、陈洁仪、Jennifer Lopez喜欢的男歌手 张学友、陶哲、周杰伦、 Craig Davig、MichaeI JackSOn喜欢的女演员 深田恭子、章子怡、全智贤喜欢的男演员 周润发、梁朝伟、Nicoias Cage喜欢的电影 8 Mile、Face-off、Saving Private Rvan喜欢的作家 Shakespcare、 Charles Dickens最难忘的经验 从小就去日本旅游最开心的事 当我知道身边有我“爱”的人最讨厌的事 当我做错事、犯错、被欺骗的感觉擅长的乐器 钢琴、吉他、鼓专长 写诗、绘画、创作、编曲、唱歌 经历 1996银座广场歌唱比赛1997第一届“滚石音乐词曲创作比赛”歌唱组亚军1998新加坡电视机构“宜康卡拉OK歌唱比赛”亚军1999新加坡海蝶音乐举办第二届“非常歌手训练班”毕业 (共3,500人报名,其中只有70名入选)2002阿杜新加坡巡回校园演唱会嘉宾 新加坡武装部队文工团歌手,并至澳洲演出 其它歌唱比赛,教会及学校演出2003 HITO流行音乐奖 第二季HTIO十大金曲《翅膀》 MY FM至尊流行榜冠军歌曲、《翅膀》《冻结》 新加坡YES933醉心频道年度十大最受欢迎男歌手第二名2003/09/06荣获新加坡金曲奖最佳新人金奖2003/11/02入围马来西亚第三届金曲红人颁奖典礼最有潜质新人奖2004/02/12 2003年全球华人明星人气榜 第51名累积票数5525222004/02/16百事音乐风云榜提名港台、海外华人最佳新人2004/02/21 HITO流行音乐奖声猛新人男新人奖2004/5/9台湾第15届金曲奖最佳新人奖得主 发表作品 曲Where did you go


Born & bred in Singapore, currently residing in Taiwan.
We are all placed on earth to leave imprints on each others’ lives.
Life is about creating something out of nothing, stick to it and keep working on it.
I make music...
I weave dreams...
I capture life...
I struggle, but I break free...
I fall, but I get up...
I rest, but I never stop...
I die, but I live forever...
No one can stop you unless you stop yourself, No one will push you unless you push yourself. The choice is yours.


林俊杰的英文名是Wayne、JJ Lin。

林俊杰(JJ Lin),1981年3月27日出生于新加坡,祖籍中国福建省厦门市同安区,华语流行乐男歌手、音乐人、潮牌主理人。









姓名 林俊杰
英文名字Lam J.J
性别 男
国籍 新加坡
生日 3月27日
星座 白羊座
籍贯 福建
血型 O 型
身高 172 cm
体重 60 kg
掌握的语言 英语、华语
喜欢的食物 醉虾、白饭、生鱼片
喜欢的颜色 深蓝、黑、白
喜欢的组合 动力火车、S.H.E 、N’Sync
喜欢的女歌手 张惠妹、陈洁仪、Jennifer Lopez
喜欢的男歌手 张学友、陶哲、周杰伦、Craig David、Michael Jackson
喜欢的女演员 深田恭子、章子怡、全智贤
喜欢的男演员 周润发、梁朝伟、Nicolas Cage
喜欢的电影 8 Mile、Face-off、Saving Private Ryan
喜欢的作家 Shakespeare、Charles Dickens
最难忘的经验 从小就去日本旅游
最开心的事 当我知道身边有我「爱」的人
最讨厌的事 当我做错事、犯错、被欺骗的感觉
擅长的乐器 钢琴、吉他、鼓
专长 写诗、绘画、创作、编曲、唱歌


JJis more commonly known as JJ Lin. He is a Singaporean singer and songwriter of Chinese Fujian descent, and he came to musical prominence and success in the Greater China region, and particularly in Taiwan, where he was awarded the “Best New Artiste“ award in the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards.
Signed to Ocean Butterflies, he has written songs for various artistes, notably Ji De (Remember) for Taiwanese singer A-Mei, and fellow labelmate A-do’s Fang Shou.
Back in Singapore, he was chosen to perform the remixed version of Home, the theme song of the National Day Parade in 2004. His career and notability began to rise astronomically in Singapore particularly with the aid of his music being used in television dramas produced by MediaCorp TV Channel 8, and his increased public appearances, such as being the guest performer in the finals of Channel U’s Project SuperStar.
After winning the Gold award in the Best New Act category in the 2004 Singapore Hit Awards, he went on to sweep the 2005 edition with four awards to his name, including the Best Local Male Artiste, Best Composing Artiste, Best Male Vocalist and Best Local Music Composition awards, recognising his talents both in the composition and performance aspects of his music. His latest album, Cao Cao, sold 2 million copies in just two weeks.
林俊杰(JJ Lin),著名男歌手,1981年出生于新加坡。2003年首发第一张个人创作专辑《乐行者》,取得不俗成绩;其杰出的创作才能又在之后推出的《江南》、《曹操》、《JJ陆》等多部畅销唱片专辑中得以充分展现;于此,林俊杰还斩获了无数音乐大奖,成为当今华语歌坛最耀眼的男歌手之一。
JJ (JJ Lin), a famous male singer, was born in Singapore in 1981. Starting in 2003 created the first personal album, “Le Xingzhe“ to obtain impressive results; its outstanding creativity in order to again after the introduction of the “Jiangnan“, “Cao Cao“, “JJ Lu,“ and many other best-selling albums in their full show; Meanwhile, JJ has earned spoils of numerous music awards, as today’s Chinese-language pop music, one of the most brilliant male singers.
Born & bred in Singapore, currently residing in Taiwan.
We are all placed on earth to leave imprints on each others’ lives.
Life is about creating something out of nothing, stick to it and keep working on it.
I make music...
I weave dreams...
I capture life...
I struggle, but I break free...
I fall, but I get up...
I rest, but I never stop...
I die, but I live forever...
No one can stop you unless you stop yourself, No one will push you unless you push yourself. The choice is yours.


Singapore new person Lin Junjie in April, 2003 in the Taiwan
first round first individual initiative special edition “Happy
Traveler“, for half year, the entire Asian sales volume broke through
700,000, had only achieved in the inland sales volume more than
400,000 good result, are certainly symmetrical on 2003 year Asia
phonograph record market sales volume young Son of Heaven. Was the
recent years new person sends the piece to obtain makes a good
beginning as soon as commands troops the character.
Under company’s arrangement, around Lin Junjie 3 time goes to the
inland tour propaganda, involves city including places such as
Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Changsha,
Tianjin, Fuzhou, Wuhan, Xiamen, Quanzhou, stone lion, closure so far,
Lin Junjie in creation style many and varied, has the rhythm sincere
dance music; Relaxed lively pursues a goal with determination the
song; The tune wind affable expresses feelings the work; Present
popular R&B. Each kind of Qu Feng work all deducts arrives
expressively, this completely does not like only to have 22 years old,
just made a debut the young singer could display condition.
Before originally made a debut the artistic experience in Lin Junjie
is the development has laid the good foundation today for him. Lin
Junjie the family background in the musician, the parents all did the
music, the handsome outstanding 4 years old starts under parents’
guidance to study the piano, once wanted to give up the music be
handsome outstanding finally or has not left under parents’
encouragement. In 1996, year only 15 year-old Lin Junjie started in to
sing in the competition frequently to take the prize the path, around
obtained many songs and poems to create and to sing the big prize, 99
years sea small dish singer training class let Lin Junjie receive the
regular outstanding omni-directional entertainer to train, from more
than 3,500 being accepted blooming, became final wins. Obtains this
honor only to have two people, is Lin Junjie another is A DU.
The Singapore boys all must have the enlistment the experience, Lin
Junjie are not also exceptional, only because his special skill he
participates is the Singapore armed force cultural work group, or a
literary soldier, accumulated the massive stages to perform the
experience. The more ponders time lets the handsome outstanding
creation talent be able to demonstrate that, from all sides for Zhang
Huimei, 阿杜, Yu Chengqing created many hosts to hit the song, had
these precious experiences, was handsome outstanding for own music
special edition creation song is like a fish in water. And is called
by the Taiwan media “the new generation of creation evil spirit“.
Lin Junjie song selects material very broadly, and not merely only
popular love song. “Can Study“ is helps the student relief pressure
the song, how will tell with ease lays down the pressure as student’s
you to face the future, therefore deeply is liked the student. “Can
Have That One Day“ is the creation for own grandfather paternal
grandmother, the narration the love story which is section of life and
death leaves, each handsome outstanding song you all may read out
section of stories.
In handsome outstanding first time comes the inland propaganda
phonograph record time, station Changsha, the first hold signature
sell the belt and the singer fan meets the meeting, has the worry
including a sponsor unit’s all people all regarding this activity,
after all that time sends the piece just now the full 1 month, to a
such brand-new entertainer, the active support rate can have high
everybody not to have the confidence, each people all are making the
worst plan, but is very quick, the scene irritable scene has given up
all people’s anxiety. Some 3,000 many singer fans sell the complete
success, this also increased the sponsor unit’s confidence, is
handsome outstanding in the afterwards many cities encounters warmly
all does not need the Changsha difference, most more than 1 time in
Chengdu, ten thousand people’s scenes was Chengdu in recent years
rare, finally could not but use the large quantities of police forces
to maintain the order! Also has very many Chongqing and Guiyang’s
singer fans rides the vehicle to catch up with handsome at the same
night for outstanding inflates.
In Beijing, sold north place certainly not very lively Beijing in the
bamboo slip three links unexpectedly to come more than 1,200 people,
the methodical long team likes the snake equally on to dispel nearby
three links, becomes the same day a scenery. Most interesting is
around has unexpectedly come 5 “the batch purchase“ the singer fan,
each person has simultaneously purchased more than 60 Zhang Junjie
phonograph record, latter after the staff inquired only then knows,
original today is on September 1 begins school Japan, has very many
schoolmates all to want to come to give handsome outstanding supports.
But such speech, basically walked empties.


因为林俊杰的英文名是:Josephson Junction Lam,简称JJL,所以把林俊杰叫作JJ。

要清楚一点,把林俊杰叫为JJ并不是因为林俊杰名字的拼音是JJ,因为林俊杰出生在新加坡,是新加坡人,并不是使用汉语拼音的,所以拼音名是错误的,这只是来源于他的外文名,即Josephson Junction Lam,简称JJL。



在正版《乐行者》的歌词本上清清楚楚的写着“由于JJ可以来回穿梭于两界之间- - - -类似于乔瑟芬效应(Josephson Junction)缩写成JJ”。

